Package: mixtools 2.0.0

mixtools: Tools for Analyzing Finite Mixture Models

Analyzes finite mixture models for various parametric and semiparametric settings. This includes mixtures of parametric distributions (normal, multivariate normal, multinomial, gamma), various Reliability Mixture Models (RMMs), mixtures-of-regressions settings (linear regression, logistic regression, Poisson regression, linear regression with changepoints, predictor-dependent mixing proportions, random effects regressions, hierarchical mixtures-of-experts), and tools for selecting the number of components (bootstrapping the likelihood ratio test statistic, mixturegrams, and model selection criteria). Bayesian estimation of mixtures-of-linear-regressions models is available as well as a novel data depth method for obtaining credible bands. This package is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. SES-0518772 and the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative: Essential Open Source Software for Science (Grant No. 2020-255193).

Authors:Derek Young [aut, cre], Tatiana Benaglia [aut], Didier Chauveau [aut], David Hunter [aut], Kedai Cheng [aut], Ryan Elmore [ctb], Thomas Hettmansperger [ctb], Hoben Thomas [ctb], Fengjuan Xuan [ctb]

mixtools.pdf |mixtools.html
mixtools/json (API)

# Install 'mixtools' in R:
install.packages('mixtools', repos = c('', ''))

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Doc / VignettesOKFeb 12 2025
R-4.5-win-x86_64NOTEFeb 12 2025
R-4.5-mac-x86_64NOTEFeb 12 2025
R-4.5-mac-aarch64NOTEFeb 12 2025
R-4.5-linux-x86_64NOTEFeb 12 2025
R-4.4-win-x86_64NOTEFeb 12 2025
R-4.4-mac-x86_64NOTEFeb 12 2025
R-4.4-mac-aarch64NOTEFeb 12 2025
R-4.3-win-x86_64OKFeb 12 2025
R-4.3-mac-x86_64OKFeb 12 2025
R-4.3-mac-aarch64OKFeb 12 2025



mixtools for mixture models

Rendered frommixtools.Rnwusingutils::Sweaveon Feb 12 2025.

Last update: 2021-03-30
Started: 2021-03-30

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Performs Parametric Bootstrap for Sequentially Testing the Number of Components in Various Mixture Modelsboot.comp
Performs Parametric Bootstrap for Standard Error
GNP and CO2 Data SetCO2data
Plot the Component CDFcompCDF
Normal kernel density estimate for nonparametric EM outputdensity.npEM
Normal kernel density estimate for semiparametric EM outputdensity.spEM
Elliptical and Spherical Depthdepth
The Multivariate Normal Densitydmvnorm logdmvnorm
Draw Two-Dimensional Ellipse Based on Mean and Covarianceellipse
EM algorithm for Reliability Mixture Models (RMM) with right CensoringexpRMM_EM
EM Algorithm for Mixtures of Regressions with FlareflaremixEM
EM Algorithm for Mixtures of Gamma DistributionsgammamixEM
Infant habituation dataHabituationdata
EM Algorithm for Mixtures-of-ExpertshmeEM
Integrated Squared Error for a selected density from npEM outputise.npEM
EM Algorithm for Mixtures of Logistic RegressionslogisregmixEM
Produce Cutpoint Multinomial Datamakemultdata
EM Algorithm for Mixtures of MultinomialsmultmixEM
Model Selection Mixtures of Multinomialsmultmixmodel.sel
EM Algorithm for Mixtures of Multivariate NormalsmvnormalmixEM
EM-like Algorithm for Nonparametric Mixture Models with Conditionally Independent Multivariate Component DensitiesmvnpEM
Ethanol Fuel Data SetNOdata
EM Algorithm for Mixtures of Univariate NormalsnormalmixEM
Fast EM Algorithm for 2-Component Mixtures of Univariate NormalsnormalmixEM2comp
EC-MM Algorithm for Mixtures of Univariate Normals with linear constraintsnormalmixMMlc
Nonparametric EM-like Algorithm for Mixtures of Independent Repeated MeasurementsnpEM npEMindrep npEMindrepbw
Nonparametric EM-like Algorithm for Mixtures of Independent Repeated Measurements - Maximum Smoothed Likelihood versionnpMSL
Various Plots Pertaining to Mixture Modelsplot.mixEM
Various Plots Pertaining to Mixture Model Output Using MCMC Methodsplot.mixMCMC
Plots of Marginal Density Estimates from the mvnpEM Algorithm Outputplot.mvnpEM
Plot Nonparametric or Semiparametric EM Outputplot.npEM plot.spEM
Plot mixture pdf for the semiparametric mixture model output by spEMsymlocN01plot.spEMN01
Plot sequences from the EM algorithm for censored mixture of exponentialsplotexpRMM
Plot False Discovery Rate (FDR) estimates from output by EM-like strategiesplotFDR
Plot the Component CDF using 'plotly'plotly_compCDF
Draw Two-Dimensional Ellipse Based on Mean and Covariance using 'plotly'plotly_ellipse
Plot sequences from the EM algorithm for censored mixture of exponentials using 'plotly'plotly_expRMM
Plot False Discovery Rate (FDR) estimates from output by EM-like strategies using 'plotly'plotly_FDR
Visualization of Integrated Squared Error for a selected density from npEM output using 'plotly'plotly_ise.npEM
Visualization of output of 'mixEM' function using 'plotly'plotly_mixEM
Various Plots Pertaining to Mixture Model Output Using MCMC Methods using 'plotly'plotly_mixMCMC
Plot Nonparametric or Semiparametric EM Outputplotly_npEM plotly_spEM
Plotting sequences of estimates from non- or semiparametric EM-like Algorithm using 'plotly'plotly_seq.npEM
Plot mixture pdf for the semiparametric mixture model output by 'spEMsymlocN01' using 'plotly'.plotly_spEMN01
Plot output from Stochastic EM algorithm for semiparametric scaled mixture of censored data using 'plotly'.plotly_spRMM
Plot sequences from the Stochastic EM algorithm for mixture of Weibull using 'plotly'plotly_weibullRMM
Plotting sequences of estimates from non- or semiparametric EM-like Algorithmplotseq.npEM
Plot output from Stochastic EM algorithm for semiparametric scaled mixture of censored dataplotspRMM
Plot sequences from the Stochastic EM algorithm for mixture of WeibullplotweibullRMM
EM Algorithm for Mixtures of Poisson RegressionspoisregmixEM
Summary of Posterior Regression Coefficients in Mixtures of Random Effects Regressionspost.beta
Printing of Results from the mvnpEM Algorithm Outputprint.mvnpEM
Printing non- and semi-parametric multivariate mixture model fitsprint.npEM
Simulated Data from 2-Component Mixture of Regressions with Random EffectsRanEffdata
Add a Confidence Region or Bayesian Credible Region for Regression Lines to a Scatterplotregcr
EM Algorithm for Mixtures of RegressionsregmixEM
EM Algorithm for Mixtures of Regressions with Local Lambda EstimatesregmixEM.lambda
Iterative Algorithm Using EM Algorithm for Mixtures of Regressions with Local Lambda EstimatesregmixEM.loc
EM Algorithm for Mixtures of Regressions with Random EffectsregmixEM.mixed
Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm for Mixtures of RegressionsregmixMH
Model Selection in Mixtures of Regressionsregmixmodel.sel
EM Algorithm for Mixtures of Normals with Repeated MeasurementsrepnormmixEM
Model Selection in Mixtures of Normals with Repeated Measuresrepnormmixmodel.sel
Simulate from Mixtures of Exponentialsrexpmix
Simulate from a Multivariate Normal Distributionrmvnorm
Simulate from Multivariate (repeated measures) Mixtures of Normalsnormmixrm.sim rmvnormmix
Simulate from Mixtures of Normalsnormmix.sim rnormmix
Rod and Frame Task Data SetRodFramedata
Reaction Time (RT) Data SetRTdata
Reaction Time (RT) Data Set (No. 2)RTdata2
Simulate from Mixtures of Weibull distributionsrweibullmix
ECM Algorithm for Mixtures of Regressions with ChangepointsregmixEM.chgpt segregmixEM
Semiparametric EM-like Algorithm for Mixtures of Independent Repeated MeasurementsspEM
Semiparametric EM-like Algorithm for univariate symmetric location mixturespEMsymloc
semiparametric EM-like algorithm for univariate mixture in False Discovery Rate (FDR) estimationspEMsymlocN01
EM-like Algorithm for Semiparametric Mixtures of Regressionsspregmix
Stochastic EM algorithm for semiparametric scaled mixture of censored dataspRMM_SEM
Summarizing EM mixture model fitssummary.mixEM
Summarizing Fits for Nonparametric Mixture Models with Conditionally Independent Multivariate Component Densitiesprint.summary.mvnpEM summary.mvnpEM
Summarizing non- and semi-parametric multivariate mixture model fitsprint.summary.npEM summary.npEM
Summarizing fits from Stochastic EM algorithm for semiparametric scaled mixture of censored datasummary.spRMM
Special EM Algorithm for three-component tau equivalence modeltauequivnormalmixEM
Performs Chi-Square Tests for Scale and Location Mixturestest.equality
Performs Chi-Square Test for Mixed Effects Mixturestest.equality.mixed
Tone perception datatonedata
Water-Level Task Data SetWaterdata WaterdataFull
St-EM algorithm for Reliability Mixture Models (RMM) of Weibull with right CensoringweibullRMM_SEM
Weighted Univariate (Normal) Kernel Density Estimatewkde wkde.symm
Weighted quantileswIQR wquantile